Ballinger Charitable TrustCollaboration

We are comfortable collaborating in many different ways.
With other funders…
We are always happy to work alongside other grant makers operating in North East England; foundations and trusts, the public sector, philanthropists.
Sometimes we simply share information about what we are doing – and learn from you in the process.
Other times, we work with funders to support a particular organisation or project, which can be on a formal or informal basis. We understand that by sharing an objective and discussing what can realistically be achieved, that’s sometimes enough to help make something positive happen
We are open to more formal partnership with funders in which we jointly fund a programme.
However, we understand grant makers are all different and coming together under a formal agreement to do something can be more difficult. We can quickly make decisions and are always happy to be flexible to accommodate you.
With the organisations we support…
We see ourselves as collaborators with those organisations we support, particularly where a project is complex or new.
It is not always about money, and we are happy to give whatever time we have available to planning and problem solving.
And if that isn’t working for you, just tell us, and we will try to connect you to someone else who can help.
Mostly, though, we don’t even label what we do as collaboration – it is just meeting up and exploring what we do together.