Ballinger Charitable TrustNorth East Young Dads & Lads

Established in 2017, NEYDL is an award-winning parenting support charity that works with marginalised and disadvantaged young dads and expectant fathers (aged under 25) in the North East.  Their vision is for young dads to be valued and supported in their role as parents. Their mission is to enable young dads to play a safe, active and meaningful role in their children’s lives, by supporting and connecting young dads and influencing wider practice.

Massive congratulations to Kevin & all the dads who featured on the BBC One Show in June 2024!   The piece can be found 1:47 minutes into the episode – just follow the link below.

BBC iPlayer – The One Show – 11/06/2024

The charity has also featured in The Chronicle magazine where Kevin Stoodley, founder and CEO explained ….

“Young fathers and expectant dads aged under 25 are one of the most marginalised and disadvantaged communities within our region today. Whilst young mothers are commonly seen as vulnerable and in need of care and support, young fathers are typically viewed as a problem to be avoided, resulting in a near total absence of professional help and support.

“As a result, young fathers are all too often forced to confront pressures of navigating family, partner and peer relationships, new adult responsibilities and changing identities alone.

“They can feel a lack of belonging or that they’re invisible and they’re a group that often has a negative portrayal in the media. By investing in young men, we enable them to gain the confidence and skills to play an active, positive, and meaningful role in the lives of their children and families.”

Further details on North East Young Dads & Lads can be found on their website  Alternatively, link up with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.

Their Think Dad! Toolkit can be accessed via the below link.

The ‘Think Dad Toolkit’ is a comprehensive program that looks to help you and your organisation ‘Think Dad’.

Think Dad

Below is an example of one of the many videos created by the NEYDL team to support young parents.